Friday, November 28, 2008

Life is CRAZY! :)

I am sitting in the Panera Bread parking lot with the car running, and fog surrounding me! JUST to let you guys all know we are half way moved into the new house, but now we don't have internet in either place! SO... please be aware that I am unable to check emails, and or do any ordering, so business is at a halt at the moment! We hope to have everything up and running soon! I just pulled up the number to bellsouth, and will be calling them to get internet service now! I'm just not sure how long it will take! :) We will be cutting our charter service off soon (even though we are in the SAME subdivision, Charter is not currently available at our new house)! SO... we will be switching emails soon! I will be back to normal soon.... hopefully! :)

We are LOVING the new house! :)

I hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

BIG Changes in the Lawson Home!!

Not only are we going to be moving homes next week, but we'll be adding another little one to the mix soon! That's right Baby Lawson #2 is on their way!! I will be 8 weeks pregnant on Saturday, with a due date of July 4th! :) We had an ultrasound this morning, and the baby's heartbeat was 140. Slower heart rates are boy, right? Maclain keeps saying it's a boy! :) We could care less! It took us two years to get to this point, and we've been in a bit of a limbo during this first trimester (and will continue to be for several weeks/months), but we are thrilled beyond measure for this opportunity! So, we don't care if it's a boy or a girl! We just want this little one to grow and thrive, and we pray and pray and pray for just that! I will keep you all posted as we go! For now, we're in a daze of happiness, but we ask that you pray for our little one, and that the so called "odds" against him or her never come in to play!

Thank you!!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Prayer Request!

Jared's first cousin Brady married an extraordinary woman, Kim. Who from what I hear has one extraordinary mom (Diane Knight)! Kim's mom is very sick with a very bad infection that seems to be in a large portion of her body, and is effecting her organs. She is currently staying in the TSICU at DCH, where her lab work doesn't seem to be making any improvements. This is a very scary time for Kim and her family (she has 3 precious little ones). Kim and the family needs our prayers for comfort, and Kim's mom needs our prayers for healing!

Thank you to all my wonderful friends, family and clients! I know so many awesome prayer warriors, and if there's one thing we can put our faith in in this world, it's PRAYERS!!

I'll post soon more about me... BUT, this past month has been a bit of a scary (and blessing filled) one for me, and it's the prayers that I know are going up on my behalf that have kept me strong, and given me peace! PRAYER WORKS! SO... send a few up for Mrs. Diane Knight for me please, and lets just watch what our prayers can do!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Maclain's Got it Straight!

This picture has absolutely NOTHING to do with this story, but I thought the picture was cute! This is my nephew Eli and Maclain the last time Eli spent the night with us!

Now... on to the story!

SO, the Lawson's are moving in with us since they are buying our house, and their house sold! We should only all be camping out together for about a week, but in the meantime, Maclain is going to be LOVING life having most of his favorite people all under one roof! We wonder who he's going to try and sneak into bed with in the middle of the night now!!

Sunday night we were all sitting around the table eating dinner, and PawPaw (Jared's dad) asked Maclain who was a stinker. Expecting to hear "I am", Maclain answered "PawPaw". SO, I said "who else is stinker"... again expecting an "I am", but he answered "Mamaw"! Somebody then said "who's precious"... and even though I was motioning for him to answer "Mommy" he answered "Daddy"! I decided to try one more time and asked him "who else is precious?" This time, he replied "Aunt Jamie"! Well I wasn't getting the response I wanted so, I asked "What is Mommy"? And in his sweet little matter of fact voice he answered, "god"!!! :)

That's right Maclain, keep us all straight!! :)

Disclaimer: We by no means teach our child that there is more than our one God that we worship!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

More Progress!

Lots of progress happened this week! We are SUPPOSED to close by the 28th! We'll see!!! Here are some pictures of the latest... pictures from this weeks sessions to follow at some point! :) And Cousin Josh... I have pictures of Maclain too!!! :)

Our outdoor lights are up and working!

The side entry for clients...
Well, probably most people because it's the closest to the driveway! :)
Counter tops and working sink in the utility room!

"Jared's room" :)

"My room" :)

Master Bath... tile isn't finished

Sconces up the stairway!

Master Bedroom

Kitchen sink... I'm not crazy about the faucet?!
The bar still isn't up!
New counter tops... this is the island!!

The kitchen with the new counter tops. Now
we just need the trim on the cabinets, and the bar
and stove installed... and I think it will be complete!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bits and Pieces!

Well... Here we are! A week and a half past our original close date! BUT... we are supposed to be moving by the end of the month if not earlier... in our builder's language that means at 4:45 on November 30th! Seriously! Along the way, I've exchanged a few words with the builder I'm not proud of... but HE STARTED IT!! Things are calm at the minute, and he's finally trucking things along again! The Lawson's (who are buying our current home) are closing on their home on the 21st, so we'll all be bunking together for about a week or so! I'm glad we love our in-laws! :) I'm hoping to get some good meals out of the living arrangements! :)

For now... this is the progress!

The Master Bath Shower. It still has to be grouted.

The kitchen... we were supposed to have countertops today!?!?!?

The utility room... I HATE doing laundry, but I LOVE the space in this utility room! It has tons of cabinets, a standard closet (to the immediate left), and an under the stairs closet (top left)

Another view of the laundry room... can you tell I'm excited??

The breakfast room/sitting room. We're putting a cool antique (recovered) sofa and chairs that sit low to the ground... and eventually a coffee table if we can ever afford one!

One side of the kitchen

The other side of the kitchen.

Better picture of the kitchen floor with the cabinets.

Dining Room.

Electrician was there today!!

Fireplace! They put a wall switch that turns them on! Now maybe we'll actually use them!

Pig Tails!

Are these not THE CUTEST pig tails EVER?? Not to mention one set of gorgeous blue eyes!!! This baby girl just turned one, and she has one awesome, sweet family!!

Cutie Pie Kenzie!

I met this sweet little girl's mom at Hartselle Depot Days. She sells Uppercase Living (the wall decals you rub on to walls, plates... any thing non fuzzy... and it looks hand painted). Well, she had a booth set up, and I fell in love with the products... as well as my friends when I brought the catalog home! SO, I had a party and got TONS of free stuff! In the process, we ended up with a session scheduled for her baby girl! Kenzie has got to be one of the sweetest little girls I've ever photographed! She's such a smart little one, and quite the mommy to her doll who just happened to be wearing a matching dress!

Thanks Kenzie for being such a great little trooper! I had so much fun hanging out with you and your mom!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Accessorizing !

You won't see any pictures with this post... for fear of my life... but I HAVE to share this story! A DEAR friend of mine, who happens to be great at accessorizing, went one step further than normal this afternoon. I'm going to try to keep this as vague as possible so that the people involved will remain anonymous (her), and protected (me)! SO... this afternoon, my friend was chatting away on the phone when her child was trying to "pierce her ear" with a purple bead. Well, something went awry and the bead ended up wedged in my friend's ear! I'm not talking about wedged where you can grab it and pull it out, but WEDGED "IN" her ear!!!! :) I called to ask her a question amidst the chaos, and she asked for "Dr. Lawson's" help! :) When I showed up, her child was bouncing around as though nothing was happening, and my friend came out of the bathroom with a red ear... and from the looks of the bathroom as I walked in they had already been doing a little "surgery" with the tweezers and VACUUM CLEANER!! :) I got a flash light, and looked and looked, and NO PURPLE bead! She kept saying she could feel it right inside, so we gave the good old vacuum cleaner another try. Just picture it. I was sitting in the floor, she was hanging over me upside down, we were both pulling her ear as I wedged the vacuum cleaner so far on her ear it created a seamless suction!! :) She said she felt like it had moved, so we took another look (my sister-in-law Jamie was giving her assistance at this time... as Maclain stood at the door with my friend's mom and child giggling!) Okay... so I was the continued start of the giggles, BUT I COULDN'T HELP IT! Anyways... Jamie finally spotted the bead, and I caught a glimpse as well, so we tried the tweezers. I could hear, and feel when the tweezers would tap the bead, but it was wedged SO tightly, I couldn't get the tweezers around it! I then tried a bobby pin trying to just get under it and pop it out, but I think I was causing more pain that it was worth! :) SO... my friend who is quickly approaching her 30's as am I, is going to be heading to the Dr.... to get a PURPLE BEAD out of her ear!!! She HAS to hold the record for the oldest "kid" to get a bead stuck in the ear and end up in the Dr.'s office!!

SO... I'm thinking in true "accessorizing" form, she'll go for an outfit with purple tomorrow! :)


Saturday, November 8, 2008

My Sweet E.G.!

This is my favorite... so it's BIG! :)

This adorable baby girl turned FOUR a few months ago... and I was just about as sad as when Maclain turned three! You see, this little one's mom, April, and I go WAY back! We were completely inseparable in high school (where we first met), and I still completely depend on her friendship time and time again! Jared and I are also Ella Grace's God-Parent's... something we feel SO honored to be! I'm so thankful to have these two in my life, and look forward to watching E.G. (that's what Jared nick named her when she was itty bitty) grow up... and to take her pictures (Isn't she gorgeous?!)!
She had the cutest little teal dress on in some of her pictures, but I just LOVED this awesome outfit April found, so that's the samples you're seeing! :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Maclain's THREE year pictures!!

I FINALLY did it! I took Maclain's official 3 year pictures! :) Going through them all and seeing his sweet little expressions just makes me love him even more! I am SOOOOOOO blessed!!

Just to Prove I'm Still in Business!

Here are a few pics from recent sessions!

Monday, November 3, 2008

I CAN'T believe I didn't have a camera!!

Saturday Jared and I were working in the new house, and Maclain was "helping" us. I was putting together the vanity, and Jared was grouting the bathroom floor. WELL... Maclain decided to play in the box that the vanity came in. No problem, right? It kept him busy! After about 15 minutes, Jared came walking by and said "Clain... look at your Mama"! He stood up out of the box, and was COVERED from head to toe, SOLID in little tiny balls of styrofoam!!! They were in his nose, mouth, EVERYWHERE! He looked like a snowman! It was SO funny! Of course, you can't just brush those off, so we had to break out the shop vac and vacuum him off! I didn't have my camera with me since we were just working, and considering he was inhaling them I didn't really want to delay the vacuuming! :)

Apparently, he thought it was neat to "dig" into the big piece of styrofoam packaging!

CAN'T believe I don't have it on film!! You HAVE to picture it though!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Beautiful Colors!

Jared, Clain and I met up with a few of Jared's work friends who do a little photography on Friday. They met at a memorial gardens in Huntsville, BUT the colors were SO pretty I had to snap some pictures of Maclain there! I kept the headstones out of the picture! :)

He's been three for 2 months and I've yet to take his "3 year pics"!! I'll get to those soon! :)