Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What's going on with my "Little Man"!?

WELL... we've been laying low the last week or so, because we had been exposed to Fifth's Disease at church, and that can slightly increase your chances of miscarriage in the first half of pregnancy. Ironically, this was our second time to be exposed, and until this time, I had never actually heard of a confirmed case! Anyways, today Maclain woke up with a pretty tale tale sign of Fifths... the red rash cheeks!!! SO, we were geared for the worse! He has had a low grade fever for a few days, and didn't sleep well last night, and now has a fever staying around 101, so considering the dr's out tomorrow, the nurse told me to bring him in today! By the time we got there, the rash looked so much better, but before we left it was back and EVERYWHERE on his face!!! They gave him benadryl, said it's viral, but given the "come and go" at the moment they don't think it's Fifths! It'll still be at least a couple of weeks before we'll know for sure if he caught it, but in the meantime, what is going on with my child??? Look at these pictures!! They don't do the rash justice... I was using my little point shoot camera, so the flash washes out the redness! It was quite yucky in person!

Here he is while we're getting ready to go to the dr.

Here is is at the dr.'s office! He's feeling pretty cruddy by this point!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

I didn't get my Christmas cards out in the mail til Monday, so many of you haven't received them yet!! BUT, I also wanted to send along wishes to all my wonderful clients! May you all have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Good thing I have a little one on the way!

I had the wonderful privilege of keeping my 8 week old nephew, Liam last night! My family was over for Christmas and I got to keep him behind until this afternoon! He slept great for me, and was SUCH a little angel... especially when I was holding him! :) I miss him terribly already and it's only been a few hours!! Anyway, if I didn't have a little bun in the oven, I would SURE be wanting one now! So much of Liam reminds me of Maclain when he was that little, but you just forget about it! I'm SO looking forward to meeting our little one... even as tired as I feel tonight! :)

Here are two incredibly sweet pictures... one of Liam, and one of Liam and Clain. I just wished I had my good camera on hand to capture them! It was upstairs... I was afraid the moment would pass before I got back down ready to go!

By the way... just in case you're wondering. Maclain was SO incredibly sweet with Liam and simply wanted to hang out right by him. It never bothered him for me to be giving Liam so much attention, but I just tried to incorporate Maclain whenever possible! He sure loves Liam (although he calls him Keller... his best buddy's little baby brother)! :)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Decorating for Christmas!

Here at the Lawson house Maclain's been "decorating for Christmas". He went in mine and Jared's bedroom tonight and started pulling all of the pillows off of the bed. We asked him what he was doing and he said "decorating for Christmas"! He's officially done now so I made sure to document it!!
ALSO... a quick baby update! Saturday I will be TWELVE weeks! A long awaited milestone!! I'm SO thankful and so blessed to have made it this far! God is truly amazing! We went to the doctor this morning for the 12 week check-up and we listened to the baby's heartbeat... which was 170! SO... everyone says "GIRL" now... but Maclain's heart rate was never below 160, so I just don't hold any faith in this old wive's tale!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Updated Session Pics!

Here's a mass post of some sessions over the last month... a crazy busy month! If you don't see your sweet little one it's because you told me your session was for Christmas presents... so I'm trying to keep it a surprise for ya! :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Traditions Officially Changed!

This is an official notification that "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer" will from this point forward be referred to as "Rudolph the Reindeer Nose", and when his song is sung, you are to only repeat "Rudolph the Reindeer Nose" over and over!

Second notification... "Frosty the Snowman" has officially changed his name to "Johnny the Snowman", and when you sing his song, you are to repeat, over and over, "Johnny the Snowman Nose"!

:) I LOVE this age!!!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008


WELL... our little man is in love with Tinkerbell. Not necessarily in the "want to be Tinkerbell" kind of way, but in the "I want to marry her" kind of way! He claims that Tinkerbell is his girlfriend! Considering if Maclain owned a Tinkerbell doll in any form, he would ride her around on his Lightning McQueen car, or hang her from his fishing pole, we aren't too worried... but... there's this ONE little thing! :) When I noticed that Tinkerbell had her very own movie, I thought it would be harmless to buy it for Maclain! Well, Maclain loved it, and watched it several times before moving on to something else, BUT, the Tink movie just HAPPENED to come with a PURPLE TINKERBELL BAG! He found it before I ever even realized why the box was so big!! SO, for several days he had to carry this purple bag around with him EVERYWHERE before it too "got old"! Thankfully... he used the bag to carry around Buzz Lightyear and Woody, but still, Jared's response was "did you HAVE to let him have the purple Tinkerbell bag??" :) It's since become obsolete in Maclain's world, and neither he nor I could tell you where it's at, but I ran across this picture which brought back the lovely memory of those few days! :)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's Raining, It's pouring...

And Clain's laying beside me snoring... well, asleep at least! :)

I woke up this morning, needing to run about 50 errands in Decatur, but after spending ALL day in Huntsville yesterday running errands in the rain, I just couldn't do it!! When will I get everything done??!! I don't know! But I just couldn't drag me and Clain in and out of the rain today! SO... I've been working on the computer ALL day since about 7:30 this morning, and it has rained ALLLLLL day! Our neighbor's back yard looks like they have a beautiful pond, and the creek that runs behind our houses is the highest I've ever seen it, and is flowing as fast as I've ever seen it! This is the same creek that was practically dry this summer with just a lot of weeds! BUT, today, we have our own Priceville Water Sports teams practicing. Well, at least a man in a canoe and a lady in a kayak! It's crazy! Maclain and I were sitting on the couch, and I saw a BRIGHT yellow object out of the corner of my eye, and low and behold... A man in a canoe trucks right on by!!! I ran as fast as I could to get my point and shoot camera, and tried to take a picture, but it was on video!?! SO... I have this very short, shaky video clip! :)

I know it's been forever since I've posted and updated everyone, I'm just trying to stay afloat here... so the blog is the first to fall behind! After Christmas, things should be back to normal... whatever normal is?!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sassy to Sweet in 2.0!

This morning around 7:15 Maclain crawled up in the bed with me (I was enjoying sleeping in with the rain outside)! Maclain cuddled up and said "I want to snuggle... you're comfy!" SO, we all know what that means, right?? Skinny people just aren't good snugglers!! Anyway, 2 seconds later he says, I want to snuggle with the baby and proceeded to cuddle up to my belly... which is growing every day now! Sweet, huh?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

We're "HOME"!

WELL... we're finally half settled! We still have a long time before we have things decorated and cozy enough to make it feel like "home", but we're getting there!
Tonight is my first night with internet! We still don't have the wireless working but at least I can work again!!! OH... and post! :)
Life is good, but crazy. I feel great, but exhausted! :) Saturday I'll be 10 weeks pregnant, and I can't thank you all enough for the continued prayers you're sending our little one's way!
Here are a few pictures we took the night before we moved. Things still had to be cleaned (hence the dirty floors and mirrors and all the junk in the studio), but things were "done"!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Life is CRAZY! :)

I am sitting in the Panera Bread parking lot with the car running, and fog surrounding me! JUST to let you guys all know we are half way moved into the new house, but now we don't have internet in either place! SO... please be aware that I am unable to check emails, and or do any ordering, so business is at a halt at the moment! We hope to have everything up and running soon! I just pulled up the number to bellsouth, and will be calling them to get internet service now! I'm just not sure how long it will take! :) We will be cutting our charter service off soon (even though we are in the SAME subdivision, Charter is not currently available at our new house)! SO... we will be switching emails soon! I will be back to normal soon.... hopefully! :)

We are LOVING the new house! :)

I hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

BIG Changes in the Lawson Home!!

Not only are we going to be moving homes next week, but we'll be adding another little one to the mix soon! That's right Baby Lawson #2 is on their way!! I will be 8 weeks pregnant on Saturday, with a due date of July 4th! :) We had an ultrasound this morning, and the baby's heartbeat was 140. Slower heart rates are boy, right? Maclain keeps saying it's a boy! :) We could care less! It took us two years to get to this point, and we've been in a bit of a limbo during this first trimester (and will continue to be for several weeks/months), but we are thrilled beyond measure for this opportunity! So, we don't care if it's a boy or a girl! We just want this little one to grow and thrive, and we pray and pray and pray for just that! I will keep you all posted as we go! For now, we're in a daze of happiness, but we ask that you pray for our little one, and that the so called "odds" against him or her never come in to play!

Thank you!!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Prayer Request!

Jared's first cousin Brady married an extraordinary woman, Kim. Who from what I hear has one extraordinary mom (Diane Knight)! Kim's mom is very sick with a very bad infection that seems to be in a large portion of her body, and is effecting her organs. She is currently staying in the TSICU at DCH, where her lab work doesn't seem to be making any improvements. This is a very scary time for Kim and her family (she has 3 precious little ones). Kim and the family needs our prayers for comfort, and Kim's mom needs our prayers for healing!

Thank you to all my wonderful friends, family and clients! I know so many awesome prayer warriors, and if there's one thing we can put our faith in in this world, it's PRAYERS!!

I'll post soon more about me... BUT, this past month has been a bit of a scary (and blessing filled) one for me, and it's the prayers that I know are going up on my behalf that have kept me strong, and given me peace! PRAYER WORKS! SO... send a few up for Mrs. Diane Knight for me please, and lets just watch what our prayers can do!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Maclain's Got it Straight!

This picture has absolutely NOTHING to do with this story, but I thought the picture was cute! This is my nephew Eli and Maclain the last time Eli spent the night with us!

Now... on to the story!

SO, the Lawson's are moving in with us since they are buying our house, and their house sold! We should only all be camping out together for about a week, but in the meantime, Maclain is going to be LOVING life having most of his favorite people all under one roof! We wonder who he's going to try and sneak into bed with in the middle of the night now!!

Sunday night we were all sitting around the table eating dinner, and PawPaw (Jared's dad) asked Maclain who was a stinker. Expecting to hear "I am", Maclain answered "PawPaw". SO, I said "who else is stinker"... again expecting an "I am", but he answered "Mamaw"! Somebody then said "who's precious"... and even though I was motioning for him to answer "Mommy" he answered "Daddy"! I decided to try one more time and asked him "who else is precious?" This time, he replied "Aunt Jamie"! Well I wasn't getting the response I wanted so, I asked "What is Mommy"? And in his sweet little matter of fact voice he answered, "god"!!! :)

That's right Maclain, keep us all straight!! :)

Disclaimer: We by no means teach our child that there is more than our one God that we worship!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

More Progress!

Lots of progress happened this week! We are SUPPOSED to close by the 28th! We'll see!!! Here are some pictures of the latest... pictures from this weeks sessions to follow at some point! :) And Cousin Josh... I have pictures of Maclain too!!! :)

Our outdoor lights are up and working!

The side entry for clients...
Well, probably most people because it's the closest to the driveway! :)
Counter tops and working sink in the utility room!

"Jared's room" :)

"My room" :)

Master Bath... tile isn't finished

Sconces up the stairway!

Master Bedroom

Kitchen sink... I'm not crazy about the faucet?!
The bar still isn't up!
New counter tops... this is the island!!

The kitchen with the new counter tops. Now
we just need the trim on the cabinets, and the bar
and stove installed... and I think it will be complete!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bits and Pieces!

Well... Here we are! A week and a half past our original close date! BUT... we are supposed to be moving by the end of the month if not earlier... in our builder's language that means at 4:45 on November 30th! Seriously! Along the way, I've exchanged a few words with the builder I'm not proud of... but HE STARTED IT!! Things are calm at the minute, and he's finally trucking things along again! The Lawson's (who are buying our current home) are closing on their home on the 21st, so we'll all be bunking together for about a week or so! I'm glad we love our in-laws! :) I'm hoping to get some good meals out of the living arrangements! :)

For now... this is the progress!

The Master Bath Shower. It still has to be grouted.

The kitchen... we were supposed to have countertops today!?!?!?

The utility room... I HATE doing laundry, but I LOVE the space in this utility room! It has tons of cabinets, a standard closet (to the immediate left), and an under the stairs closet (top left)

Another view of the laundry room... can you tell I'm excited??

The breakfast room/sitting room. We're putting a cool antique (recovered) sofa and chairs that sit low to the ground... and eventually a coffee table if we can ever afford one!

One side of the kitchen

The other side of the kitchen.

Better picture of the kitchen floor with the cabinets.

Dining Room.

Electrician was there today!!

Fireplace! They put a wall switch that turns them on! Now maybe we'll actually use them!