Wednesday, July 30, 2008

For those of you who missed it!

I sent this out to several friends and family, but it's just too funny to not share with everyone!

Back in March, I was trying to be a good mom, and was cooking a nutrisioush (probably spaghettios) lunch for Maclain. He was playing quietly, which isn't too odd. When lunch was ready I called for him, and as he yelled "OKAY" he went running PAST the door to come toward me. After yelling for him once more, wondering why he went the direction he did, he yelled back "I'm coming". THEN... he came... like a quiet little tornado into the living room, headed to me in the kitchen, and THIS is how I found him! He had decided to borrow the black PERMANENT marker from the office (he saw me use not long before)! He quietly took it in his room and proceeded to mark as much of his legs as possible!!!! Not to mention in less than 2 hours we had a dr.'s appointment with the ENT, and this was the VERY first day of the spring season I picked shorts for him to wear!!!! After a long bath with a scrub down of finger nail polish removal, and hairspray, we scarfed down lunch and headed to the dr. with purplish marked legs (I just had to let him wear the shorts after that)!!! The streaks took SEVERAL weeks to completely wear off. All I have to say is Praise God it was the legs and not the furniture or walls!!! :) I LOVE being a mom!!!

They don't come ANY CUTER!!!

This adorable little guy came for a visit when he was a newborn (even made a visit while still in mom's belly)... but now he's ONE! I truly feel that every child I photograph is adorable and cute... but then there comes along a little one like Kaden, and they take the cake! He was ALL smiles (I actually had to wait for some serious faces), and his little curls and gorgeous blue eyes leave nothing but falling in love with this little one! He has two amazing big sisters, so he had alot to live up to, but I think he is doing just fine!! Thanks Mr. Kaden for blessing my heart today!!

Meet Callie's Man!

A couple of weeks ago, you all met Callie! Yesterday, I hung out with her and her boyfriend for a session. It SO reminded me of Jared and I in high school, and how sweet that love is at that age! My how time flies.... and I love my now sweet hubby even more!

Jeremy & Callie... keep doing the things that make the other happy, always be open and willing to discuss everything, and know that as the years go by, your commitment to each other may be stronger than your love for each other at times, but with the right work, you can make it through anything! Best wishes for lots of "smiley" times ahead!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Check out those lips!

These two handsome young men, have got to have the best lips in the world! They pucker beautifully in pictures! :) These two sweet boys look pretty still in the picture, but these were definite kiddos I had to run after to capture the great shots today. I think I'm the only photographer they've done that with... it does sound like me to bring out the fun, right? :) I must say though, it was worth the moving and sweating to capture their gorgeous little expressions. Here's two of my favorite shots that show off those lips! TOO CUTE!

Thanks, Mom for hanging in there with me! You were a trooper as we all battled the heat! Your little ones are too precious!

Do you see it... Do you see it????

Check out the room upstairs! That's the sitting room of the studio!!!! It looks fairly small in the picture, but it's 9 ft wide... don't remember how long! Also, the wrong window is in at the moment, but that should be fixed soon! :) I'm so excited, I can't stand it! As soon as I can get pictures of the studio (when you can tell it's a room), I'll post it as well!

In just a few more months, all my sweet clients will have to come check out the new studio!!

I had two very humid and muggy sessions again today, but I got some great shots, so those will be up soon!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Cute Little Man!

Check out this cutie pie, one year old and his sweet little curls! Some of my precious clients in Birmingham referred this little one's mom to me. I'm so thankful I had the opportunity to add them to my client list. I've had tons of sessions with easy little ones for two weeks... I hope this streak doesn't end too soon! :)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Tough Decisions Ahead!

I used to teach next door to the dad of these two cutie pies , and I first photographed them last summer after meeting their mom at a work shop (my last teaching duty) last summer. The first time I saw them, I couldn't get over how adorable they were! This is now my third session with the both of them, and I must say, big brother has ALWAYS been on top of his game! He is ready to pose and smile at the drop of a hat... and he has about the best knock knock jokes I've ever heard! :) Then there is baby sister. She has eyes that are captivating, and tiny little features that make her so angelic in front of the camera... but she hasn't always been so thrilled about getting her picture taken... until today! What started out with a comment about not wanting her picture taken turned into one of the cutest sessions I've ever had! She played it up for the camera beautifully! NOW... comes the hard part! I always narrow my images down to a reasonable amount for me to enhance, and a reasonable amount for the parents to pick from. BUT, I'm sorry Mom and Dad, but I may have to make it tough on you both! :) Here is a sneak peak!

P.S. I went through the pictures 3 times trying to pick out my faves!!! I'm still not 100% convinced! :)

Side Note: Tomorrow is my sweet, loving husbands birthday, so I'm kidnapping him for a quick getaway. SO... I'll be back next week! :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sweet Isabella turns ONE!

I have watched this sweet baby girl grown up through her sessions since she was a newborn. Isabella started out as a little miracle, and she proves herself worthy to be here every day! As I told her mom, there are some clients that you know are just going to be so much fun, and be so easy... Isabella is at the top of this list! Every 1 year old that can walk, isn't too interested in getting their picture taken... especially outside where there are tons of new things to explore. But, just as expected, Isabella came through with flying colors! Happy Birthday precious little one! Keep being an angel to your sweet parents! :)

It turns ugly in an instant!

For all of those parents out there, you truly understand how one moment, your child can be the happiest ever... then one tiny little moment happens... and it turns ugly in an instant!

This morning, I went out to my parents house to shoot a session there. Before my clients arrived, I was using Maclain (who was going to hang out with his Peepaw during the session) to test my lighting. Well... I saw my old kitty cat, Rowdy, sleeping on the bench, and I thought it would be super cute for Maclain to crawl up beside him and pretend he was sleeping. Well, Maclain was happy to comply and jumped right up! Rowdy was super excited to have the company, and greeted Maclain with his traditional display of effection... little nibbles. WELL... to a TWO year old, this can be a scary moment! Although there wasn't even an indention of teeth marks, Maclain went completely nuts! This picture was taken while Maclain was processing what exactly was going on. See the love in Rowdy's face... and the complete disgust in Maclain's?

BTW... as I'm loading the picture, Clain's hanging out beside me, and saw the pic and said "Rowdy bite my fingers, and my cry"! It's still painful for him.... :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fact or Fiction?

As I looked over the pictures from my session today, I thought about a show I once loved to watch in my late teen years. It was titled "Fact or Fiction". They narrated several stories, and you had to determine which were true, and which were fiction... all stories being hard to believe were true!

So... take a look at these images. Which do you believe truly encapsulates the session? These precious angels are as sweet as can be, and I'm proud to call them part of my church family. But, is it the sweet smiles, as they sit very still and look directly at the camera truly the events of the day. Or is it true that big sister (2 years) had a completely different agenda than to sit and smile for her photo shoot, and that baby sister (1 year) couldn't keep a bow in her hair for more than a split second, so it stayed in her hand? :) I have so many of both, it would be hard for you to decide... the camera's good at doing that... but the mom and I both know the true events of the day! :)

Thanks, Katie for all you do... your family is such an important part of our lives!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I had another very humid session this morning, but it was well worth it with these two cuties! These precious little ones were a hoot to watch. The little one being almost three held out for about the first 5 minutes, then made me work a little harder for the rest, but she was fun to chase! :) The big sister was ready for her photo shoot, and was definitely in her groove! She was too cute with her little diva poses! I absolutely have the best job in the world... have I said that before? :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Welcome Miss Madison!

I starting taking pictures of Madison's big brother and sister a year ago. Shortly after, Madison threw a sweet little kink in their life and became one of the sweetest little surprises ever! I had the opportunity to meet Madison this afternoon, and she is one of the most laid back little one's I've met yet! She's only 4 weeks old, and she was awake and content the WHOLE session! Thanks Madison for helping to make my job the best ever!!

Sweet, Sweet Siblings

I first took this little girl's picture a few months back. Once big brother was out of school, we scheduled a session for him as well! These two have got to be about the sweetest little siblings I've ever been around (none of my 3 brothers were this sweet to me!!!) This is by far my favorite pic of the two of them today, and it shows just how precious they both are!

Might I add... this was an outdoor session, the end of July, and we had to have set record temps while we were out... no joke! :) These two and their mom were such troopers in the heat!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Whatever It Takes!

My mom brought us some fresh okra from the garden, so tonight I fried it up to go along side some leftover roast and potatoes (my generous friend, Amanda, shared with us when Maclain got really sick Friday). Maclain was NOT convinced that the green, veggie looking side dish was worth trying. As much as I LOVE fresh fried okra from the garden, I had to do whatever it took so it wouldn't go to waste! :) I told him it tasted like candy... he didn't believe it, so Jared helped in the convincing! We finally convinced him they were "candy crisps". VICTORY! He tried them! After a few bites here and there, we made the conclusion that he really only liked the "crispy breading" that fell off of the okra, but we got a few real bites down! I'll take it!

So... if you ever offer my child okra, don't blow our cover! :) Have a great week!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Future Puppet Ministry Man!

A few weeks ago I had my backdrop down all the way (I was getting set up for a session). I overheard Maclain singing one of the songs that our Puppet Ministry uses at church during their puppet show. Take a look at the video and see how I found him! :) TOO sweet! If you can't figure it out, Maclain is singing "Who's in the house... J.C."!

Look out PM Crew... you have a new crew member in the making!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Meet Callie!

The first time I met Miss Callie, she entered my Algebra I classroom as an 8th grader. That truly feels like yesterday... but now she's a SENIOR! Callie is a gorgeous girl inside and out, and the camera absolutely loves her! Her and her mom were so much fun to hang out with, I just couldn't wait to get a couple of my fav shots out for them to see! Thanks, Callie for letting me capture these awesome memories... and mom, the Cowgirl Hat was an AWESOME idea! I LOVE it!! Best Wishes, Callie!

It didn't take long... at least one thing.

Well, if you notice from my first night of marathon posts trying to have something here for everyone to see, I stayed up til 1am... along with Jared who was working on real work. When it was finally time for bed, I grabbed Maclain out of his bed and put him in ours, because he started wheezing a tad last night. The last time that happened, the dr. insisted he sleep with us so I could keep a check on his breathing. WELL... at 5am this morning, Maclain was ready to go... this compared to a normal 8am rise for him was not welcomed too well with us. His fever wasn't too high... breathing and coughing wasn't too bad. He was just awake! He tossed and turned, and talked and demanded a few things (none of which he received other than "cubbers"... aka covers" til 6:30... yep, time for us to get up, and he decided to sack out. For those of you who know I'm not a morning person (that is truly an understatement), I found it necessary to vent... I think I feel better now! :)

Here he is... we're up with sleep in our eyes... and this is him, and will be for probably another couple of hours!!
SO... it didn't take long... for me to have a story! Most of them will be funny... this was just for peace of mind! :)

Maggie Kate is here!

It seemed like just a couple of weeks ago that I was taking pictures of big brother Cooper, while he anxiously awaited the arrival of his baby sister. Well, Maggie Kate was in no hurry to arrive, but she finally made her debute! This was my first chance to meet this sweet baby girl, and she proved to be one of my most sweet, laid back little ones yet! She gets that from her big brother! Welcome to the world Maggie Kate! I can't wait to watch you grow!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Nathan's a SENIOR!

It's officially the Class of 2009 Senior Season! I had the chance to hang out with Nathan and his mom and brothers tuesday for his session. What made this session extra special, I taught Nathan when he was a freshman! I must say, if all of my students were like Nathan, it would have been even more difficult to leave my teaching job! This young man is going to be quite the success! Thanks Nathan for all your hard work... I wish you all the best!!

A week at the beach!

Last week we went to Panama City with some friends of ours. We had such a blast... but we sure are having trouble getting back to reality! Maclain has been sick, and Jared and I have just been completely exhausted! BUT... the trip was WAY worth it! I love being able to vacation with my loving family and awesome friends! Here are some of my favorite pictures during our official beach session! We can't go anywhere without having a session! :)

Jared with Maclain, who is demonstrating the "easy smile". It's that or a BIG cheesy grin!! Who knew a photographer's son would have to be taught how to smile?

Me and Maclain, who is demonstrating not wanting to smile here!

Just a cute idea!

My favorite pic of the week!

This is Maclain and Miss Reese, who Maclain claims as his "giwlfwiend". Jared and I, along with the future in-laws (our great friends, Ryan and Courtney), agreed to use this picture at their wedding in 30 years... although Ryan seemed the least excited about the whole idea!! :)
We had a blessed week hanging out together, and look forward to our 3rd annual beach trip next year!

Couldn't wait any longer!

Well... everyone's doing it! That's right... every time I check my email it seems as though another friend or family member is sending me a link to their new blog. I guess it's my turn! :) I LOVE looking at everyone's pictures, and reading all their stories, and as we all know I love attention, so I would like my share at the story telling! :) I intend to use my blog as a way to share the never ending humorous stories of our little Maclain, and to share some of my favorite stories and pictures from my current sessions. I regularly have clients and pictures that I just fall in love with, and I need a way to share that info! :) I'll try to keep it updated... but again, as we all know... I can't make any promises on that one!! :)