Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Reid's Newborn Session!

I FINALLY got Reid into the studio for some REAL pictures! :) It's SO much different with your own!! Several times over the last few days I've thought, "Maybe I'll just call and book a session somewhere"! :) BUT... now that I finally had the energy, and BOTH boys were clean and ready, I'm SO thankful I have a full studio at my disposal at any time! Here are a few of them... you can see the rest at http://www.lawsongallery.com/. Click to enter site, then clients, and the password is reid1.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Rounding out the first week!

Reid has now enjoyed his first week of life with us.. and boy have we enjoyed it as well!! Other than my pesky spinal headache that was fixed by a blood patch yesterday, it's been pretty smooth sailing! We are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO blessed!!

Here are a few pictures over the last few days!

Given the headaches... and the "taking it easy" after the blood patch... I still don't have studio pictures. I can't wait though!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Introducing Reid Alexander!

SO... if you don't have facebook (where we gave a play by play of delivery and constantly posted pictures over the last few days because we can do it all from our blackberries), you're probably wondering why it's taking so long for ME to post pictures! :) I'm sorry for the delay, but HERE they are!! I can not thank my family, friends, and wonderful clients for all of the support not only over the last few days, but these last few months! I am SO blessed!!

Reid Alexander was born June 11, 2009 at 1:31 p.m. He weighed 8 lb. 3 oz. and was 19.5 inches long! BIG baby for less than a 37 weeker!! I won't go into all the details of the CRAZY week that preceded the event, but it ended in a pretty quick delivery by c-section!! NOT what I wanted, but by the time the Dr. called it, I was just plain ol' ready!!!! Me and Reid have both done great (although c-section one NOT be my first choice of delivery, my recovery really has been fairly easy)! Reid is currently strapped to a bili light because of jaundice! We really hope that ends soon, but he's still really yellow this morning, so we'll probably have at least one more day! We took him off the light twice last night while the storms blew through, so we lost a couple of hours... but I wasn't going to risk it!

OKAY OKAY... on to the pictures!

First time to hold Reid!

Exactly how Maclain used to sleep!

Big Brother warmly welcomes Reid home!

So precious!

Now that's "no drop" insurance!

Nightly "snuggle time"... Maclain no longer wants our snuggles... just Reid's!

Mommy's Men!
There were several more that I wanted to post from the last few days, but didn't want to overload my blog!! If you want to see the rest from our "first 4 days" go to www.lawsongallery.com, click to enter site, then click on clients in the right hand corner. The password is reid1. I'll let you know when I swap them out for new ones! :) I can't wait to be able to walk up the stairs so I can get my newest little man in studio! You'll see those asap!!
Loving lifes blessings....