Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Here you go, Michele! :)

Cream Cheese Crescent Dessert

2 pkgs. crescent rolls
2 pkgs. cream cheese
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar (not packed)
1 tsp. vanilla
1 stick butter
2 tsp. cinnamon

Press 1 package of crescent rolls on bottom and sides of a 9" x 13" pan.
Mix together, cream cheese, 1 cup sugar and vanilla with mixer and pour over the top of crescent rolls in pan.
Flatten the 2nd package of crescent rolls and place over cream cheese mixture in pan.
Mix together cinnamon, 1/2 cup sugar and 1/4 cup brown sugar and pour over the top of the crescent rolls in pan.
Melt butter and pour over the cinnamon and sugar mixture.
Bake at 350°F for 1/2 hour.

FYI... I didn't have any vanilla, so Saturday's batch didn't contain any! :) Nobody knew!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A YUMMY Recipe!

Now that the "get togethers" are rolling in this time of year, I have recipes on the mind!! Here's one that I brought to Jared's Granny's birthday party this past Saturday and like always was a hit! Don't think about the ingredients... just make it and try it... you won't regret it! Seriously... many of you can't think about what's in it!!! You just have to mix it and try it!

Corn Salad

2 cans whole kernel sweet yellow corn, DRAINED
1/2 yellow(sweet) onion chopped
1 green bell pepper chopped
1 small bag of Real Bacon Bacon bits
2 cups shredded cheese
1 cup mayonaise
1 container of fresh grape tomatoes, chopped
1 bag chilli cheese corn chips

Trust me... try it...

Here's what to do!

Drain the corn and pour into mixing bowl. Add the onion, bellpepper, bacon, cheese, mayo and tomatoe and mix well. Keep chilled til ready to serve. Right before serving stir in the corn chips (If you're making way in advance, add the bacon and tomato last minute too). ENJOY.... then go back for seconds... I did! :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Special Young Lady!

Meet Scarlet! I first met her when she sat in my classroom as a SEVENTH grader... not really loving math, but doing a fantastic job for me! I had the privilege of teaching her again when she was in 9th grade as well! I just love this young lady, and she reminds me so much of myself (maybe that's why I love her)... she'll do anything for you, but she'll tell you like it is in a heartbeat! :) It's now been five years since Scarlet sat in my classroom as I feisty little seventh grader, and she has grown into such a gorgeous young lady! Congratulations, Scarlet! And, best wishes toward a successful, ridiculously happy life ahead!! :)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work I go!

Well... this week has started my "official" week back at work... although I can't say I ever stopped! I've been placing orders since I was put on bed rest until now, and have been doing sessions (sporadically) since Reid was 2 1/2ish weeks old! BUT... it's official! I have REAL sessions back on the books from now til December! SO... who better than to kick off my week back than with my first official client, Miss Reese! You've seen her all over my blog and website! I started taking her pictures when she was an itty bitty new baby!

Here is a peek at her 3 year pics (we won't get caught up on the fact that she's 3 1/2 now, but I was on bed rest at her birthday... then I had Reid... then her Mommy went and had her a baby brother)! :)

Thanks Reese for always being SO precious for me!

P.S. What better to add to the mix of going back to work... a 4 year old with the stomach bug! It's been a long 24 hours, and we're hoping he's on the mend and that the "buck stops there"!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Maclain turns FOUR!!

On September 1st, my sweet little man turned 4! I have been so incredibly blessed with him! He amazes me everyday with his heart, kindness, and love. He keeps me laughing and loving more and more each day!

I love you dearly Maclain, and am so proud to be your Mommy!

I'm such a loser!!

So, I knew life with 2 kiddos would be a little busier. But I never thought I'd let my blog get so far behind!! Anyway... here is an update of our busy lives

  • We (Jared) is having a yard sale tomorrow.

  • We are doing "Dave Ramsey"... and one of us is enjoying it (hint found in the above bullet)

  • I have two weeks left in my official maternity leave... although I've never fully been on one!

  • Maclain has been CRUDDY sick for a week and now has double ear infections and asthmatic wheezing. Reid had double ear infections a few weeks ago!!

  • My nice strong fingernails I grew during pregnancy now are growing out fragile and thin like normal... literally like a quarter of an inch from my cuticle is way thinner than the rest! That amazes me!

  • Maclain is saving his money for a cool power rangers costume that's reversible.

  • Did I say we were doing Dave Ramsey?

  • Reid is having a good 5ish hour stretch and has gone up to 7 at night!!

  • My sweet little Reid is THREE months old today! Makes me tear up at the thought of how fast it's going!!

AND... what you mostly want... recent pictures! :)

Hopefully I'll stay a tad more up to date on the HILARIOUS stuff that goes on here!! If I don't blog about it I forget it!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My Sweet BIG Boy!!!

Maclain turns FOUR on the 1st and as I'm working to prepare for the party on Saturday, I wanted to stop and share his party invite. I am SO thankful I have the ability to create my babys' invites and birthday cakes (pics to come after I make it)!! I enjoy it so much!!

Can you guess what kind of party he is having?? :)

Sunday, August 2, 2009


HAHA!! Okay... SO, I've already introduced Reid, but after seeing his announcement on Jared's Aunt Joy's blog I realized I never posted it here! I sent these out when he was almost 3 weeks old, and he's now 7... so I'm just a TAD behind! So, here it is! :)

By the way... I have definitely done marathon posts these past few days!! AND... I'm going to be loading up the cutest birthday invite I did for Maclain soon too! For now, we have GOT to put the Wii down and go to bed! :)



Friday, July 31, 2009

"Let's Go Down by the River..."

Okay, so it's a creek, but when I was trying to figure out a title for this post, that is the song that came to mind (from Oh Brother Where Art Though).

A Little background info here... my family is fairly musically inclined! In fact we have a band together! That's right... we have a band! :) Last Saturday we had a little gig at a local "music barn" and they were putting up fliers for advertising, so we got together for a little updated picture to go along with it. The name of our band is Cotaco Creek (the creek that runs along side my parent's house... where I grew up). SO, where else should we get our picture taken than Cotaco Creek!? My answer... ANYWHERE ELSE that DOES NOT have CHIGGERS!!!!!!

SO... here is our band picture, along with some pictures of my men as we were all unknowingly picking up those chiggers that were awaiting their feast!!

The itty bittiest man!

Okay... I HAD to put this in. They all THREE have the same face!! HAHA! :)

Now... that's better!

Sweet, Sweet stuff!

All real men carry a burp cloth in their pocket, right?

Digging for more things to throw in the water!

"You're so funny, Daddy"!

Demonstrating the "cheesy grin" yet again!

Strike a pose!

Found something else to throw in the water... he did a lot of that!

It's now been about 3 weeks since that trip... and I still have a few spots where the chiggers were, but at least the incessant itching is finally gone!! NOT a fun experience!!

Now... make sure you read the posts below... I was playing catch up tonight!

A few random pictures of the "Biggie"!

Here are a few random pictures of Reid... pretty much in reverse order, because, frankly... I hate how blogger uploads pictures!! I know I'm FOREVER behind in blogging... but, frankly between lack of sleep, chasing Maclain, holding Reid (he REALLY likes that), and going to every free kiddo activity I can cram in for Maclain this summer we have gone 90 to nothing! Reid usually does pretty good on the go, and Maclain USUALLY minds well, so we do lots of outings! Reid is 7 weeks now, and I have TONS of funny stories over these last 7 weeks. EVENTUALLY I'll get back to blogging about them all!

For now... here's an updated look at our newest bundle of sweetness and joy!!

Here's Reid (blue) with his buddy Whitt for a little play date! Okay... so it was more for their Mommy's and their big siblings, but as you can tell, they were doing something they enjoy as well! (By the way... I called Reid, Maclain in this description above and Whitt's Mommy just called and told me. MAN do I have mommy brain!! The description is fixed now, but I had to let you know the humor that transpired)!

Top view of Whitt and Reid!

Close up... I could just eat him up!!

Checking out the outfit that matches from head to toe... that doesn't happen very often!

Here's our first attempt for a nap in his actual bed (crib). It ended with Reid in my arms napping peacefully! :)

Again... I could just eat him up!!

His FIRST bottle!! He was a little less than 6 weeks old. He acted like it was no big deal, then nursed again about 2 1/2 hours later like nothing ever happened! :)

Just precious!!

Half grin... double chin!

Looks a tad laid back!