Friday, July 31, 2009

"Let's Go Down by the River..."

Okay, so it's a creek, but when I was trying to figure out a title for this post, that is the song that came to mind (from Oh Brother Where Art Though).

A Little background info here... my family is fairly musically inclined! In fact we have a band together! That's right... we have a band! :) Last Saturday we had a little gig at a local "music barn" and they were putting up fliers for advertising, so we got together for a little updated picture to go along with it. The name of our band is Cotaco Creek (the creek that runs along side my parent's house... where I grew up). SO, where else should we get our picture taken than Cotaco Creek!? My answer... ANYWHERE ELSE that DOES NOT have CHIGGERS!!!!!!

SO... here is our band picture, along with some pictures of my men as we were all unknowingly picking up those chiggers that were awaiting their feast!!

The itty bittiest man!

Okay... I HAD to put this in. They all THREE have the same face!! HAHA! :)

Now... that's better!

Sweet, Sweet stuff!

All real men carry a burp cloth in their pocket, right?

Digging for more things to throw in the water!

"You're so funny, Daddy"!

Demonstrating the "cheesy grin" yet again!

Strike a pose!

Found something else to throw in the water... he did a lot of that!

It's now been about 3 weeks since that trip... and I still have a few spots where the chiggers were, but at least the incessant itching is finally gone!! NOT a fun experience!!

Now... make sure you read the posts below... I was playing catch up tonight!

A few random pictures of the "Biggie"!

Here are a few random pictures of Reid... pretty much in reverse order, because, frankly... I hate how blogger uploads pictures!! I know I'm FOREVER behind in blogging... but, frankly between lack of sleep, chasing Maclain, holding Reid (he REALLY likes that), and going to every free kiddo activity I can cram in for Maclain this summer we have gone 90 to nothing! Reid usually does pretty good on the go, and Maclain USUALLY minds well, so we do lots of outings! Reid is 7 weeks now, and I have TONS of funny stories over these last 7 weeks. EVENTUALLY I'll get back to blogging about them all!

For now... here's an updated look at our newest bundle of sweetness and joy!!

Here's Reid (blue) with his buddy Whitt for a little play date! Okay... so it was more for their Mommy's and their big siblings, but as you can tell, they were doing something they enjoy as well! (By the way... I called Reid, Maclain in this description above and Whitt's Mommy just called and told me. MAN do I have mommy brain!! The description is fixed now, but I had to let you know the humor that transpired)!

Top view of Whitt and Reid!

Close up... I could just eat him up!!

Checking out the outfit that matches from head to toe... that doesn't happen very often!

Here's our first attempt for a nap in his actual bed (crib). It ended with Reid in my arms napping peacefully! :)

Again... I could just eat him up!!

His FIRST bottle!! He was a little less than 6 weeks old. He acted like it was no big deal, then nursed again about 2 1/2 hours later like nothing ever happened! :)

Just precious!!

Half grin... double chin!

Looks a tad laid back!

Visit to the Park!

Only July 2nd, Jared came home from work and it was such a beautiful afternoon we decided to run by KFC to grab some dinner (Chicken bucket as Jared calls it) for a picnic at the park. Of course Maclain was beside himself excited with the spontaneous change of plans... and well, Reid... he never knew what was even happening! :)

Here's Maclain playing... and... Reid, well, sleeping! :)

Fourth of July! (very late)

For the fourth of July this year, we had our annual block party! This year we were in our neighbor's back yard (meaning we didn't have to get ours ready for company)!!! We did our traditional grilling, and firework show... the only thing different this year (beside the addition of Reid of course), I had a bummed hand! YEP... I was getting grits out of the microwave right after the timer buzzed that morning (I should NOT do things in a hurry), and spilled them all over my hand! I was in PAIN!! I even took one of my pain meds from my c-section, and I didn't even need them from the surgery!!! Anyway, I was such a baby... or maybe it really did just hurt that bad!! Regardless, I am now healed, and it's a sheer memory!

By that night, my hand no longer felt like it was on fire, and we had a blast as usual! Here are a few images from the afternoon!

Maclain playing with his church budy Lilly, and his favorite puppy dog, Grace. Side story here: One afternoon while I was still pregnant, he came in from playing with our neighbor's little girl, and their dog (Grace), and he said "I REALLY wish I could have a dog like Brianna!" I said, "But you're fixing to have a brand new baby brother... wouldn't you rather have a baby brother?" And his answer.... "No, I'd rather have a dog!" SORRY REID... maybe he's changed his mind now!

Checking out the world on the day that he was originaly expected to enter it!

Now he's just checking out PawPaw... or maybe just the back of his eyelids!

LOVE their shirts!! Jared thinks I'm going to do this to them forever! :) I love having two boys!!