Friday, February 20, 2009

Gorgeous Eyes!

This sweet baby girl came in for her 18 month session last week, and she was all girl! It's so funny how boys and girls are different! Little boys at this age are more interested in exploring, but they're also pretty okay with "going with the flow"! Little girls on the other hand... you have to make them believe that everything they are doing is completely their idea, and you had no part in it! It's SO much fun watching their little personalities!! This sweet baby came through like a champ... even through a few questionable moments! HA! :) Just look at these amazing eyes, and a face that looks oh so innocent!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Reese is having a baby BROTHER!

One of my best friends, Courtney... whom we vacation with in the summers... is only about a week behind me in her pregnancy (another one of those blessings God gave me to share). She just found out Monday that she is having a baby boy!!! She was kind of hoping for a boy, but was thinking she was going to hear "girl"!!! I think it's taken a while to soak in that she is going to have herself a SWEET BABY BOY, but she is SO excited!! We had already arranged Reese and Maclain's marriage in the future, and were planning the same if she was going to have another girl with my baby boy... but we've decided instead they can just be the best man in each other's wedding!! :) I cannot wait to meet this precious little one... and of course take his picture! :)

Congratulations, big sister Reese!

P.S. Considering we are both due in early to mid July, we're skipping the beach trip this year!!! We hope to have some mountain pictures to share in the fall though!! :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sweet Sawyer Turns ONE

Here's another one of my cutie pies that I've photographed since he was a newborn! Each time he's been such a sweetheart! Of course now that he's walking and getting around so well, this session was a tad more... hmmm... exciting! :) BUT, as always, I think I captured at least some of that incredible sweetness! Don't you just want to cuddle him up??

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wisdom of a 3 Year Old!

This is absolutely astonishing.... although Maclain has no idea, and it's pure coincidental! It still cracks me up and floors me every time I think about it! This is a conversation between Maclain and Jared last night, and I'm pulling the text from Jared's Facebook page.

"While watching the Presidential News Conference tonight, I started thinking of all the things I needed to be doing rather than watch TV; then, it crossed my mind how in times past, people all across the country would sit quietly gathered around a radio, just to hear what the leader of our country had to say. So, I felt it important to inform Maclain of who was on TV, and how it was important to listen and pay attention... I tell Maclain to come sit with me and watch the President talk, to which he responded, "Who?" I repeat again... "the President is talking," to which Maclain asked "which one?" Well, of course there's only one, right? So, I simply reply "the President of the United States of America" (knowing good and well he would have no clue what I was meaning by that). He got a look on his face of intrigue, but confusion, and while partially squinting one eye, responded... "hmm.... that's gonna be expensive!"Little does he know how right he was!"

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sweet Landon!

This has GOT to be the best smile ever!

I started taking Landon's big brother's pictures when he was 9 months old. I've always had to do a good bit of chasing to catch big brother, but since I started taking Landon's pictures he's proved to be one easy baby! He is perfectly content to just hang out and smile for me! And, boy do I enjoy hanging out with him and his Mommy! I'm so glad she brings her sweet boys to me!

Here are a few of my favorites of Landon... can you tell I had a hard time picking??

Time for another laugh - at me!

I am behind 4 sessions in editing and fixing to start another one... but I had to share this!

SO, most of you know it takes a lot to embarrass me, and believe it or not, this doesn't either, so I'll share!

Saturday night, I asked Jared, "Think it's okay to use sunless tanners while you're pregnant" (I actually said "selfless tanners", but caught myself and laughed, then corrected myself... and that's not the funny part)! He pretty much rolled his eyes wondering what difference it makes... I'm pregnant, it's not like I'm going to be showing skin any time soon!! BUT, the reason I was asking, it was 70 degrees outside, I'm already SO hot now, and I was thinking about church in the morning. The thought of putting on panty hose with temps in the 60's and 70's just felt too hot for me. BUT, my legs are so white I knew I couldn't go without them!

ANYWAYS... Sunday morning rolls around, and as Jared was in the shower (we have a glass door on it), I walked out of our closet with a black tank top under a purple dress... no panty hose yet, or shoes. You could see like ONE square inch of this tank top at the V neck line of the dress, and that was all! As I walked past the shower and asked Jared if the dressed looked okay (however, this was like the 3rd thing I'd tried on), his comment was "Looks good, but do you think you should wear a white tank top since you're wearing white panty hose?"

REMEMBER... I said "I wasn't wearing any panty hose yet at this point"!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll pause for laughs.......

Now, one MIGHT think he was joking considering our conversation the night before, but as soon as I corrected him letting him know that was just MY WHITE LEGS, instead of hearing "I was joking", he said "well it's just the texture of your legs... did you just shave". I said "Nice Try!!", that was followed by another excuse... "It's foggy in here"... Wait Jared... didn't you just see the SQUARE INCH of tank top that almost blends with my dark purple dress, AND, notice my legs were nicely shaven and smooth???? YEAH right, it's too foggy in there to really see!!! So, I pretty much followed up by a "might as well just drop it at this point"!!!!

OH ME...

So, anyone know??? Think I can use sunless tanners!?!?

FYI... I left the house with black panty hose, and black shoes (as originally intended), and almost had to start fanning myself in the choir loft while singing because I was breaking out in a sweat!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Only Me!!

I would say I'll make this short... but not sure I can!

Monday morning, it rained and poured, and was cold!! A friend's little boy in the neighborhood wasn't feeling well so I brought some things over to them. On the way, we passed a little hound dog that appeared as though he had "gotten out", but I didn't think much of it, and he didn't have a collar. On my way back I passed my next door neighbor (who owns a dachshund that I've only seen once and it was in the dark... because it's never out)! I waved politely at my neighbor and proceeded to my house. As I was pulling in my driveway I saw the hound dog and my neighbors dachshund running down the driveway. I first thought maybe it wouldn't run away since it never gets out, but he and that little hound quickly joined forces! They immediately took off toward the older part of the subdivision. I almost panicked thinking, I can't let my neighbor's pet run away while I watch. SO, I got on the phone and started trying to track down her cell number (knowing no one else was at her home that time of day). I talked with my other next door neighbor who said she would catch her (which took another few phone calls I hear), and I told her to let the owner know I would follow the dog so it wouldn't be lost. We jumped back in the car (Maclain was in pj's a jacket and cowboy boots) and we took off toward the old part of the subdivision. When I realized the dog wasn't slowing down I pulled over and got out to just get it... WET, STINKY, and COVERED IN MUD! I wasn't sure it would come to me, but it did so I put it in the car with me (and Maclain SO thought the dog was ours at this point)!!! The dog was SOOOO muddy from trucking through our empty muddy lots in the new part of the subdivision and was just rolling and jumping all over me (and shivering like it was scared too). I drove home and sat on the front porch with this wet, stinky, muddy dog... as it continued to jump all over me (are you gathering I'm not too much of a dog person... they're okay, just don't HAVE to have one)! After several minutes, the other next door neighbor that I called just happened to be pulling up from grocery shopping, and she knows the owners, and their dog a bit better. She walked over to check on us, and said "That's not Chloe"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My response: "I STOLE A DOG?????" "A WET, STINKY, MUDDY DOG???" "WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH THIS DOG"??? There were no tags, and I didn't have a CLUE of who it belonged to!!! I certainly didn't want it, although by this time, Maclain was claiming it as his own!! SO... my only thought was to bring it back to the hound dog where I had just picked it up!!! After all, I had just stolen a dog, stuck it in the car and DROVE it somewhere else!! It sure wouldn't be able to find it's way home now!!! So, back IN the car with the wet, stinky, muddy dog (still shivering and a tad scared, but I guess we can all understand why, NOW)!!! I found the hound dog about two houses down from where I had picked the dachshund up. SO, I parked, walked him over to the hound dog and let him go. They reunited like they were brothers that hadn't seen each other in years. So, I'm thinking maybe they were running together to begin with, and I had just not noticed him when I first got out!!! They ran off with wagging tales having a good old time. I stood in the road covered in mud from my face to my shoes... LITERALLY! It was even in my hair!!! To make it ALL worse, I got in the car, and there was Maclain with tears streaming down his cheek because I had just let HIS dog get away!!!! OH ME!!!

Later that day, my sweet neighbor (the dog owner) called to thank me for the attempt to save her doggie that was warm and cozy in her house!! Apparently Chloe is all brown, and well, a girl.... and the dog I STOLE was mostly black, and NOT a Chloe!!!! Guess I should have gotten to know them more... or at least the dog!!!!

Just another day in my life! How do I get myself into these things??

Monday, February 2, 2009

We are having a......


That's right!!! Maclain is going to have a baby brother... although he doesn't seem to really care! :)

I have an AWESOME friend with connections, and she set me up an ultrasound ON MY BIRTHDAY!!! That is THE best birthday present anyone could EVER give me!!! No one and nothing will ever top that... you can still do presents though... that's not what I was getting at!! :)

We are SOOOO excited, and a little thankful for the lack of financial strain in the clothing budget that is ahead!!! :) That really had me worried, because everyone kept saying it was going to be a girl! HA!! :)

Now onto the fun stuff...picking out a name and all the nursery stuff!!! There was a time in my life I didn't think I'd ever be able to do that again, so I'm going to soak it ALL up!!

Happy Birthday Wishes....

TO ME!! :)

As of 1:00am this morning, I am officially 29! It only takes me a split second to look back at my 29 years to know HOW blessed I am and thankful I am for all that God has provided me, and all that he has pulled me through!!! I am not worthy, but forever grateful!

Thank you to all my friends and family who have already sent me lots of birthday wishes!!! I love you all, and am so thankful and blessed to know each and every one of you!!

Now... on to the celebration!!! :)