Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work I go!

Well... this week has started my "official" week back at work... although I can't say I ever stopped! I've been placing orders since I was put on bed rest until now, and have been doing sessions (sporadically) since Reid was 2 1/2ish weeks old! BUT... it's official! I have REAL sessions back on the books from now til December! SO... who better than to kick off my week back than with my first official client, Miss Reese! You've seen her all over my blog and website! I started taking her pictures when she was an itty bitty new baby!

Here is a peek at her 3 year pics (we won't get caught up on the fact that she's 3 1/2 now, but I was on bed rest at her birthday... then I had Reid... then her Mommy went and had her a baby brother)! :)

Thanks Reese for always being SO precious for me!

P.S. What better to add to the mix of going back to work... a 4 year old with the stomach bug! It's been a long 24 hours, and we're hoping he's on the mend and that the "buck stops there"!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Maclain turns FOUR!!

On September 1st, my sweet little man turned 4! I have been so incredibly blessed with him! He amazes me everyday with his heart, kindness, and love. He keeps me laughing and loving more and more each day!

I love you dearly Maclain, and am so proud to be your Mommy!

I'm such a loser!!

So, I knew life with 2 kiddos would be a little busier. But I never thought I'd let my blog get so far behind!! Anyway... here is an update of our busy lives

  • We (Jared) is having a yard sale tomorrow.

  • We are doing "Dave Ramsey"... and one of us is enjoying it (hint found in the above bullet)

  • I have two weeks left in my official maternity leave... although I've never fully been on one!

  • Maclain has been CRUDDY sick for a week and now has double ear infections and asthmatic wheezing. Reid had double ear infections a few weeks ago!!

  • My nice strong fingernails I grew during pregnancy now are growing out fragile and thin like normal... literally like a quarter of an inch from my cuticle is way thinner than the rest! That amazes me!

  • Maclain is saving his money for a cool power rangers costume that's reversible.

  • Did I say we were doing Dave Ramsey?

  • Reid is having a good 5ish hour stretch and has gone up to 7 at night!!

  • My sweet little Reid is THREE months old today! Makes me tear up at the thought of how fast it's going!!

AND... what you mostly want... recent pictures! :)

Hopefully I'll stay a tad more up to date on the HILARIOUS stuff that goes on here!! If I don't blog about it I forget it!