Monday, March 30, 2009

Dance a Jig!

Many of you know Maclain quite well, and unlike me, he is NOT one to get on a stage and perform in front of a crowd!! He's always been more of a "behind the scenes" kinda guy! WELL, while we were at Playhouse Disney Live last Friday (one of my last outings for a while), one of the actors came down during intermission and started talking to Maclain. Being his usual self, he buried his face in my shoulder and wanted me to do the talking. We finally got him to interact a bit, and the lady asked if he wanted to come up on stage and show everyone how to do the "Hot Diggity Dog" dance! He said yes, and then looked at me, motioned, and said "come on"! I said, "No baby, you go and Mommy will take your picture... it's okay!" SO... a little hesitant, he went with the sweet lady. She took him over to the side and for several minutes went over the dance moves and what was going to happen. The whole time Jared and I sat watching and discussing, "should we tell her she should probably pick somebody else??" We had already prepared ourselves to go grab him off stage when he "flipped out" and started crying! MUCH to our surprise... this is how he did!!!!

We did see just a moment of hesitation when he looked out at the crowd, but it didn't take long for the "Mommy" to come out in him and try to hog the spot light! However... I must say, the dance moves came from Daddy!! :)

P.S. No... I'm not up doing the Hot Diggity Dog dance, I'm just zoomed way in with our little point and shoot camera, and laughing, so it's a shaky video!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Got any good books?

WELL... I typing this while laying on the couch, because I am now on a modified bed rest! I can get up to potty and pop some food in the microwave! I'm supposed to get help with Maclain, but am allowed to get in the floor and play with him now and then as long as my blood pressure isn't too high. I also got an okay to take Maclain to Playhouse Disney tomorrow, and hopefully, if nothing changes, I'll make it to the baby shower the church is throwing for us next Sunday!! Other than those select things, I am to be laying down!! Simply put, my blood pressure is up while sitting up or on my feet, and down when I'm laying down, so it's just a no brainer!! There is no other intervention at this time since laying down brings my blood pressure down, but I am now on a weekly rotation with the OB to try and catch it quickly if anything changes!! She said I could make it to 36 weeks just like this, or things could worsen in just a couple of weeks! I'm now only 25 weeks, so I have at least 11 or so weeks left to make it to a time frame of not having a scary delivery!! SO... on to the prayers! Please pray that my blood pressure will not worsen, that the trace protein that is now in my urine (protein in the urine means your kidneys aren't functioning as well) will not worsen, and that this little man stays in my tummy for at least another 11 weeks!! I have 14 weeks and 2 days before my due date! That's THREE months early!!!! We can't have this baby yet... just can't!

Anyways... my days will now be spent on the couch with the tv, laptop, and maybe a book or magazine!! :( It's well worth it, but just tough with a 3 year old, and a house that's growing dust by the minute!

Monday, March 23, 2009

The weirdest thing!

Okay... FIRST, if you don't want to see bare belly... look no further! These pictures freaked Jared out so I had to put that disclosure in there!!

When I was about 7 months pregnant with Maclain I was getting up in the middle of the night to go potty. As I've done my whole life, I simply used my tummy muscles to raise out of bed before my feet hit the floor! BUT, this time, something went WAY different. It was not painful, but a very very weird feeling!! It felt as though some one had unzipped something in my belly from bottom to top... that's truly how it felt! It was as if my tummy was held tightly in by something that was closed with a zipper, and someone had "unzipped" it! There was no true pain involved, just a very weird feeling!! I asked my Dr. about it to make sure that was okay (the next day of course... not in the middle of the night), and he said it was simply "diastasis recti"... a separation of the muscles! It was nothing to fear pregnancy wise, but down the road could lead to back problems (with the lack of muscle control in the tummy), and I'd never have a six pack again! Granted... at this point, I was about 6 years past the last six pack I ever displayed on my body, but it was a little disheartening to find out that real sit-ups were no longer really an option!! He said when I was finished having babies I might consider surgically having it put back together!

SO... instead of having muscles that stretch across my belly at all times, I will always have a little gap between the left and right main muscles that run the length of my belly. When I'm not pregnant, I only really notice the lack of tummy muscle control, but can't visually notice it. HOWEVER... when I'm pregnant (as I first noticed with Maclain), the bigger my tummy grows, the bigger the gap is between the left and right muscle! Standing up right or laying flat (and not using any real tummy muscles), my belly is about as round as can be while pregnant! BUT, when I'm going from reclining back, or laying down, and trying to use my stomach muscles to raise up, you see the very obvious gap!

I should have taken pictures before now... it was quite neat looking when the gap was only about 2 in. apart. BUT, it seems to be growing every single day so before my muscles rest completely on my left and right sides and my belly is just "round"... HERE is what happens when your muscles separate!!!!

Don't worry... the muscles themselves did not tear... just the lining stuff that used to connect them! AND... ignore the chicken pox and surgery scares, and the connect the dot moles! You can even see the brown "pregnancy line" starting to appear too!

Alright... this is my "normal" HUGE round belly in complete resting position. Notice the "roundness"!!!! You can't really see where my muscles are, but if you were to feel, you'd feel the "softness" in the middle of my belly, and the firmness where the muscles start! You can ALMOST see a flattening right in the center that runs across 2-3 inches, but you have to look close.

THIS is the result of "diastasis recti"! Notice the tell tell "bulge" in the middle when I try to raise my head up off the pillow!

Completely Crazy, huh??

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Where did it go???

My voice that is!! I was sick Wednesday and Thursday with either allergies or a head cold kind of stuff! I noticed it settling in my chest yesterday. WELL... I had a tad too much sweet tea while out with the girls last night and the caffeine (which I NEVER have now) sent me in talking overload... seriously. I know, those of you who know me well think it had nothing to do with the caffeine! Anyways... this has proven to be a very bad combination!! I was VERY hoarse this morning. Now, there is very little sound coming out!!

I don't handle being silent very well... this one is tough!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Baby Boy Will be Sleeping In...

We just got this ordered yesterday. We've been looking forever it feels like for furniture, and finally made our minds up! We couldn't afford all three pieces, so right now we only have the bed and the changer/dresser, but we hope to invest in the tall dresser once I'm back to work after the baby is here! We should have them in 7-14 days!! I can't wait to get Mr. Man's bedding in there, and start on his room while I'm still on my feet!! After this week I will no longer be working! After about 30 minutes on my feet, my swelling looks like I've been on my feet all day, and my blood pressure is up. It all gets better once I get off my feet... SO... I'm staying off my feet as much as possible! I'm not feeling nuts yet, but I'm not on complete bed rest either!! Last time, that did a number on my emotions!!

Anyways... I am SOOOO excited about getting our furniture in soon so I can get some things squared away with the nursery! And, Maclain has asked us a million times about putting "Sammy's" bed up so we can put his new blankets in it! :) He's SO excited! Everyday, he talks more and more about the baby and how glad he is to have a baby!! I'm SO blessed!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Maclain said the FUNNIEST thing last night! My Mom, Dad, Jared, me and Maclain all packed up in the car to head to the funeral home in Birmingham! On the way home, Maclain was deliriously tired, and was talking 90 to nothing trying to stay awake!! Jared decided to tell some jokes which we all laughed at, so Maclain took his own turn! After saying "joke" and giggling over and over about 5 times... thinking that was cute in his delirious mind... I decided to change things up for everyone's sake! I said "Let's tell funny stories"! My mom quickly came up with an idea. She said, "I don't think I heard the whole story about when Mommy rescued the little dog" (I know you MUST remember the story of the dog I rescued/stole back in February). Maclain quickly started adding his own parts of that story, and how he loved dogs, and my Mom said "Mommy got really muddy from the puppy dog didn't she?" Okay... being from the south her WHOLE life (such as I), she said this statement in true southern form. Just read it to yourself in your own mind. When you said "didn't she", you don't say "Did-NT-she", do you?? You kinda slur that phrase together, right?? Come on, admit it!! SO... when my mom said that, it came out sounding more as "den-she", just like many of us southerners do by combining words and syllables into little compound phrases! NOBODY (but Maclain) thought a single thing about what she said, and was waiting for Malcain to agree! Instead, Maclain looked at Meemaw kind of confused, and in his very "questioning" voice, he said "Meemaw, what's a "Den-shee"!

You may have had to have been there, but all I have to say with my big pregnant self is I'm glad I went to pee pee RIGHT before we got back on the road!!! I laughed SO hard!!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Talk about Newbie!! :)


Remember my dear dear friend, Heather! The one that had her first son at 27 weeks... then started having regular contractions with Amidy at 22 weeks??? Ever since Heather's been taking meds to stop the contractions, and they obviously worked!!! She was given the okay to stop them at 36 weeks (last Thursday), and it sure didn't take long before Amidy made her debut! She came this morning on St. Patrick's Day weighing in at a plump little 7lb. 2oz, and 20 inches long! She is SO perfect!! I only got to see her for a minute, but can't WAIT to get my hands on her to snuggle!!
Congratulations Wilder Family!!!!

Another Newbie! :)

This adorable little guy was such a trooper!! He was less than 2 weeks old, which means, he simply slept! Just the way I like my newborns! He pretty much let us do whatever we wanted... and he even held his pee pee in until we laid him on his own things that Mommy and Daddy brought! (Thanks Luke!) :) And boy, did he soak that basket of blankets!!

Again... Baby Luke has left me anxiously awaiting my own little one who is currently doing somersaults in my belly!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Email Issues!!

Just in case you guys have tried to contact me since Friday at my email address... I didn't get it! I still get my att account emails, so I didn't realized I hadn't gotten ANY emails from my work account until I realized I wasn't getting my Facebook notifications! HA! :) ANYWAY... if you did email me without a response (this includes contact messages from the site's contact page), please try until you get a response, or just give me a call!

SO sorry for the inconvenience!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Baby Boy will be sleeping on...

We went to the doctor for our 24 week ultrasound today! Still a baby boy!!! He is doing great! I, however, am starting to show some signs of complications! Still mild at this point, but I just have to watch my salt, and rest as much as possible!! I did have to do my sugar test today... which is earlier than my first pregnancy, but I guess they are trying to catch things before they get bad!! I am now on a two week rotation to try and catch things early!! HOPEFULLY I can hold this little guy in until he can come out eating and breathing with NO help!!! That's my goal!!

Me and Maclain stopped by Burlington on the way home, because they had the bedding I loved on sale!!!! SO... here are some pictures of the comforter that came with the bedding set! I added some close ups so you can see the details! Cute, huh??

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My ADORABLE nephew!!

I was able to watch my little nephew again for a bit, and of course I had to get a few pics of him! This is the only one I've edited.... because I CAN'T get caught up with work stuff! BUT, for now I had to share this one! He is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

LOVE the new prop!

This sweet baby girl has been coming to me since she was a newbie, and I'm SO excited to start this process with her baby brother soon... who might very well already made his entrance into the world!! If he's anything like her, he too will bring so many blessings to each session... and just be a breeze to work with!

I bought this adorable little couch back in January, and finally got the perfect little client and outfit to test it out on! I tried to put Maclain on it for some test shots when it came in, but a little boy in camo, just didn't do it any justice!! :) I LOVE this couch!! And, doesn't this little cutie just bring the best out in it!!??

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I'm getting SO excited!!

I've had a couple of newborn sessions this past week.... and more to come! Here are pictures from the first one! He was SO incredibly adorable, and it makes me SO excited about meeting my little man in a few months! Aren't newborn pictures the BEST! That incredible time goes by SO quickly, and those amazing little features fill out and change at the blink of an eye! I love it when moms are able to make sure this time is captured forever!!

Welcome to the world little Casen! You've got a great Mommy and Daddy that know how amazing you are!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Gorgeous Little Guy!

This little man had to travel a while to come see me, and I'm so glad he did!! It took him a few minutes to warm up to the idea of the whole session idea, but once he realized it was all about him, he turned on the charm!! He is SUCH a handsome little guy, and I'm so glad I got to meet him and his great mom!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Maggie is Graduating!!

I taught Maggie my very first full year of teaching! I only have 1 year of kiddos left that I taught before they are all graduated!! It makes me so sad! BUT, I am so incredibly proud of so many of them, Maggie being at the top of that list! She was always so incredibly responsible, and such a joy in class! She is definitely going to be one to change the world in such a positive way! Go get 'em Maggie!! Congratulations!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Finally... a little snow!!

We FINALLY got enough snow to create a few snowballs, and a miniature snow man!! We bundled up and headed out early this morning! Now... it's ALL gone! :(

Watching a snowball headed to him!
Getting ready to throw a snow ball!

See the circle... he just got pegged with a snow ball!

Running after Pawpaw with a snowball ready to throw!

Ready to play!!

Snow angel time (Thanks Noggin for teaching us how to make snow angels)!

Jared's attempt at a snow man!

First thrown snow ball!

Trying to catch a little on the tongue!

Waiting on mom and dad to bundle up!
(yes these pictures are out of order... but I always get everything SO messed up when I start moving stuff around)!