Friday, April 24, 2009

Easter... Mega Post!

So, I'm a tad behind! :)

Here are several of the festivities that took place throughout Easter. I was there for part of it, and my sweet hubby documented the rest of it in pictures for me!

The first set here is from Easter Morning!

The Easter bunny brought Maclain a pirate costume! :)

Dressed and ready to go to church! One pic with the "easy smile", and the other the "cheesy grin" you get when you tell him to smile!

This set came from our Spring Festival at church! They had a "jump and dance" (inflatable jumping thing), mechanical swings, the inflatable jousting thing, egg hunt, and lots of food!! I went there for a couple of hours and LOVED being out!

This is just as the swing begins moving!

Waiting patiently for the swing to start!

FINALLY... some of the kids filtered out of the "jump and dance" and Maclain wasn't so scared to get in!

Checking out the loot from the Easter Eggs he just found!

More loot!

waiting for the egg hunt to get started! Can you tell we were right in the middle of eating when they called for the egg hunt to start! :)

The next set is our community Easter Egg hunt. I couldn't make it to this one, so Jared took pictures for me (THANK YOU)!

This was right after all the eggs were found. Time to run the bases! :)

Best Buddy, Price!

I have a feeling they were talking about something that might would get them in trouble! Looks like Maclain was the ring leader!!

After Maclain found Price, I think they pretty much stuck together!

Getting ready for the egg hunt!

I found one!!

Right After Maclain and Price found one another... PRICELESS!! :)

I hope you're all doing great!! We're still hanging in there! Everything is still the same, and I'll be 30 weeks tomorrow!! Just a FEW more weeks before we are in a MUCH safer zone as far as the baby is concerned!! BUT, I'm just thankful we've made it this far! Getting tired of the confines of the house, but it's well worth it! Orders and custom designed orders are actually keeping me busy! I haven't had a single day of nothing to do yet! I'm thankful!!!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Here are a few pics from a recent storm! Just this past Sunday we had a tornado touch down just a few miles from here that killed one man... and the crazy thing... they had JUST lifted the tornado warning for our county!!

On a cute note: Maclain calls tornados, comados (come-aid-oes)! :)

Here's a pic as the storm is moving in. This is looking directly into where it was coming from.

And... here comes the hale! This was the day there were tornados everywhere, and softball size hale reported in parts of AL.

This was after it passed (which only took minutes). Notice the wind was blowing SO hard that the rain was going sideways... and only wet one side of the trees! CRAZY!

P.S. If you click on this last picture and make it big, you'll see where Jared shot ALL of our trees with a paintball gun (trying out the borrowed gun, getting ready for the youth outing with church). He said "don't worry... the rain will wash it off"!!! WELL... we've had TONS of flooding rain since this, and, it's STILL there!!

Friday, April 17, 2009


Speaks for itself! :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Baby Update!

I went to the Dr. this morning, and all things considered, got a good report!! My blood pressure is still up, but not anything dangerous at this point, and no other intervention needed other than the "rest that is working"! There is still only trace amounts of protein in my urine, and no glucose!!! :) That's a great sign at this point that things aren't to the point that they got with Maclain... BUT, I'm just now entering into the gestational age I was with Maclain when I really started having complications! We'll see what the next few weeks bring!!

The best part of today... we had another ultrasound! :) I get them every 4 weeks now! I'll be 29 weeks Saturday, so as long as things continue as is, I will have 2 more before the baby is here! Here are some pics (of the ultrasound... and my round self)!

The first image here, Little Lawson has his head turned half way looking at us! I labeled the facial parts, so you can get your barrings, then look at the second image with out the lines and texts so you get a good look at our adorable little one! :)

The image below here is a profile pic! :)

AND... here is what that 3 lb. 13 oz. baby looks like on a 5 ft. 2 in. Mommy!!!! Very ROUND! :)

We are getting SOOOOOO excited!!!! Now we just have to decide on a name!!! Here is our latest narrowed down list! Maddox, Isaac, Isaiah, Reid, Cale, Grant or Tye. Maddox is my favorite name, but it just doesn't feel like I'm carrying a Maddox?!?! I'm thinking Reid, but Jared can't make up his mind, and probably won't til the baby is here!!
Updates to follow! Glad to finally be getting back to blogging!! I've been placing orders here lately which is a way slower process than if I was 100% so I actually just haven't had time to update! I have some adorable Easter stuff I have to post soon though!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cowboy Clain!

I have tons to post about... it's just been hard lately!! I will post some recent events and some Easter stuff soon! For now, I'm still on modified bed rest, but my swelling and my blood pressure has been doing pretty good... so it's working to postpone any other complications at this time! I go back to the Dr. tomorrow (weekly rotations) and we'll see what the labs say! So far, they haven't worsened, and I'm on week FOUR of bed rest!
SO... For this post! My sister-in-law called me and asked if there was any way we could get pictures of Maclain in his cowboy get up on a white back drop! Knowing this would only take 5 minutes, and with the great help of Jared, I snapped a few! They are going to be used in some kind of Ad in a program (I think) for her boss! I'm always up for my little model to be published!! He knows how to work it in front of the camera!
He was SUCH a trooper and did whatever we asked! How did I get so blessed??? Wait... we haven't met baby number 2's personality yet... I might should knock on wood! :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Cool Moves!! :)

Here are some video clips of my belly where you can see the baby bumping around! :)

This one has lots of little quick kicks on the left/middle side of my belly. You'll see several quick kicks, then nothing, then several more, etc.! Don't worry if you have trouble seeing this one... the second video is way more obvious!

This one shows a leg or an arm, or noggin, or something swipe across the right side of my belly! You'll see it move from the middle of my belly to the side in a "swipe"! Those are the coolest movements!! You can even see him "hang out" on the side... notice the lump that stays on my right side! This one is a really quick video!

What else is there to do on bed rest than video my belly!! :)

I had a Dr.'s appointment today, and everything is still the same... which in my case is great! There's NO likelihood of it getting better, so we can only hope it doesn't get worse! And, so far... bed rest seems to be working!! Thanks for all the awesome prayers!!