Friday, April 24, 2009

Easter... Mega Post!

So, I'm a tad behind! :)

Here are several of the festivities that took place throughout Easter. I was there for part of it, and my sweet hubby documented the rest of it in pictures for me!

The first set here is from Easter Morning!

The Easter bunny brought Maclain a pirate costume! :)

Dressed and ready to go to church! One pic with the "easy smile", and the other the "cheesy grin" you get when you tell him to smile!

This set came from our Spring Festival at church! They had a "jump and dance" (inflatable jumping thing), mechanical swings, the inflatable jousting thing, egg hunt, and lots of food!! I went there for a couple of hours and LOVED being out!

This is just as the swing begins moving!

Waiting patiently for the swing to start!

FINALLY... some of the kids filtered out of the "jump and dance" and Maclain wasn't so scared to get in!

Checking out the loot from the Easter Eggs he just found!

More loot!

waiting for the egg hunt to get started! Can you tell we were right in the middle of eating when they called for the egg hunt to start! :)

The next set is our community Easter Egg hunt. I couldn't make it to this one, so Jared took pictures for me (THANK YOU)!

This was right after all the eggs were found. Time to run the bases! :)

Best Buddy, Price!

I have a feeling they were talking about something that might would get them in trouble! Looks like Maclain was the ring leader!!

After Maclain found Price, I think they pretty much stuck together!

Getting ready for the egg hunt!

I found one!!

Right After Maclain and Price found one another... PRICELESS!! :)

I hope you're all doing great!! We're still hanging in there! Everything is still the same, and I'll be 30 weeks tomorrow!! Just a FEW more weeks before we are in a MUCH safer zone as far as the baby is concerned!! BUT, I'm just thankful we've made it this far! Getting tired of the confines of the house, but it's well worth it! Orders and custom designed orders are actually keeping me busy! I haven't had a single day of nothing to do yet! I'm thankful!!!

Have a great weekend!

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