Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work I go!

Well... this week has started my "official" week back at work... although I can't say I ever stopped! I've been placing orders since I was put on bed rest until now, and have been doing sessions (sporadically) since Reid was 2 1/2ish weeks old! BUT... it's official! I have REAL sessions back on the books from now til December! SO... who better than to kick off my week back than with my first official client, Miss Reese! You've seen her all over my blog and website! I started taking her pictures when she was an itty bitty new baby!

Here is a peek at her 3 year pics (we won't get caught up on the fact that she's 3 1/2 now, but I was on bed rest at her birthday... then I had Reid... then her Mommy went and had her a baby brother)! :)

Thanks Reese for always being SO precious for me!

P.S. What better to add to the mix of going back to work... a 4 year old with the stomach bug! It's been a long 24 hours, and we're hoping he's on the mend and that the "buck stops there"!!


Kim Lawson said...

Glad you are officially back! Love these pics!

Dana Brindley-Bennett said...

These are so good! What a beautiful little girl.

Allison said...

beautiful pics! please keep me on the cancellation list!