Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What's going on with my "Little Man"!?

WELL... we've been laying low the last week or so, because we had been exposed to Fifth's Disease at church, and that can slightly increase your chances of miscarriage in the first half of pregnancy. Ironically, this was our second time to be exposed, and until this time, I had never actually heard of a confirmed case! Anyways, today Maclain woke up with a pretty tale tale sign of Fifths... the red rash cheeks!!! SO, we were geared for the worse! He has had a low grade fever for a few days, and didn't sleep well last night, and now has a fever staying around 101, so considering the dr's out tomorrow, the nurse told me to bring him in today! By the time we got there, the rash looked so much better, but before we left it was back and EVERYWHERE on his face!!! They gave him benadryl, said it's viral, but given the "come and go" at the moment they don't think it's Fifths! It'll still be at least a couple of weeks before we'll know for sure if he caught it, but in the meantime, what is going on with my child??? Look at these pictures!! They don't do the rash justice... I was using my little point shoot camera, so the flash washes out the redness! It was quite yucky in person!

Here he is while we're getting ready to go to the dr.

Here is is at the dr.'s office! He's feeling pretty cruddy by this point!


Anonymous said...

Ashton had Fifth's when he was younger. They also call it "slapped cheek syndrome" because it looks like they've been slapped in the face. Does he have it under his arms? On the tummy? Behind the knees? This is usually where the Fifth's rash likes to hang out and Ashton had it in all those places and more. It looks like what Maclain has. It was a nasty bug and I have pictures just like that! I hope it clears soon and you and baby Lawson stay in the clear. If you need anything, I'm an e-mail or phone call away.

Joy said...

Wow, Cassie, that does look bad. Hope little man gets to feeling better and sure hope you and the little one stay well. Take care of yourself.
Aunt Joy

Unknown said...

Cassie -
hang in there!! Get him well and take care of yourself!

Anonymous said...

I sure do miss my little buddy, tell him I hope he gets to feeling better & if you need anything I am just a email or call away. Take care!!
Love ya,
Ms. Paula