Thursday, March 19, 2009

Baby Boy Will be Sleeping In...

We just got this ordered yesterday. We've been looking forever it feels like for furniture, and finally made our minds up! We couldn't afford all three pieces, so right now we only have the bed and the changer/dresser, but we hope to invest in the tall dresser once I'm back to work after the baby is here! We should have them in 7-14 days!! I can't wait to get Mr. Man's bedding in there, and start on his room while I'm still on my feet!! After this week I will no longer be working! After about 30 minutes on my feet, my swelling looks like I've been on my feet all day, and my blood pressure is up. It all gets better once I get off my feet... SO... I'm staying off my feet as much as possible! I'm not feeling nuts yet, but I'm not on complete bed rest either!! Last time, that did a number on my emotions!!

Anyways... I am SOOOO excited about getting our furniture in soon so I can get some things squared away with the nursery! And, Maclain has asked us a million times about putting "Sammy's" bed up so we can put his new blankets in it! :) He's SO excited! Everyday, he talks more and more about the baby and how glad he is to have a baby!! I'm SO blessed!


Anonymous said...

It's beautiful!

Allison said...

so pretty! I love it and I know you'll have fun putting it all together! How exciting!