Friday, July 18, 2008

It didn't take long... at least one thing.

Well, if you notice from my first night of marathon posts trying to have something here for everyone to see, I stayed up til 1am... along with Jared who was working on real work. When it was finally time for bed, I grabbed Maclain out of his bed and put him in ours, because he started wheezing a tad last night. The last time that happened, the dr. insisted he sleep with us so I could keep a check on his breathing. WELL... at 5am this morning, Maclain was ready to go... this compared to a normal 8am rise for him was not welcomed too well with us. His fever wasn't too high... breathing and coughing wasn't too bad. He was just awake! He tossed and turned, and talked and demanded a few things (none of which he received other than "cubbers"... aka covers" til 6:30... yep, time for us to get up, and he decided to sack out. For those of you who know I'm not a morning person (that is truly an understatement), I found it necessary to vent... I think I feel better now! :)

Here he is... we're up with sleep in our eyes... and this is him, and will be for probably another couple of hours!!
SO... it didn't take long... for me to have a story! Most of them will be funny... this was just for peace of mind! :)

1 comment:

hicksfamilycircus said...

OH girl. I'm so excited about the blog. And I always love to know of my fellow Not Morning People!! I am sooooo with you on that. Getting CP to school on time is going to be a challenge for me in a few weeks!!!